Help us do more.
My experience with choreographic research has taught me how dance can serve as a process of healing and has helped me identify my creative process.
Lindsey Jennings
Dance, Class of 2020
Research experience as an undergraduate has strengthened my critical thinking skills and information literacy and has helped me discover my ardent passion to continue educating myself on health disparities.
Kennedy Burrell
Community Health, Class of 2020
Participating in undergraduate research taught me how technology and the humanities can complement each other. Researching gave me confidence to get involved with other opportunities.
Jensen Rehn
History, Class of 2020
Undergraduate researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign address some of society’s most pressing issues and drive global innovation, and their research takes place across a wide range of disciplines from the humanities and arts to science and engineering. Our students and their research hold the potential to change our world for the better. Your generous donation helps make this possible.
What you’re supporting:
Undergraduate Research Symposium Awards
Conference Travel and Research Support Grants
Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program
Illinois Undergraduate Research Ambassadors Program
Curriculum and Program Development
Donate now:
Every dollar has a tremendous impact on the bright and talented undergraduate student researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Consider making a one-time or monthly recurring donation today.