About IURA:

Illinois Undergraduate Research Ambassadors (IURAs) are a collaborative cohort of accomplished and experienced students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

IURAs help to promote undergraduate research at the U of I and help the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) develop and maintain student-focused programs that represent the U of I’s diverse array of disciplines. As representatives of OUR, IURAs will be responsible for promoting undergraduate research to peers by holding informational workshops on undergraduate research, serving as a liaison between OUR and academic departments, and being knowledgeable about the resources that the U of I offers its undergraduate students interested in research and creative inquiry.

How to schedule:

OUR requires students interested in meeting with an Ambassador to do so through the online Ambassadors Meeting Portal. To respect the time of our Ambassadors, please do not reach out to them directly through their personal email addresses. Any questions or concerns can be directed to ugresearch@illinois.edu.

To schedule, navigate to the the Ambassadors Meeting Portal and choose a discussion topic to be paired with a knowledgeable ambassador. Alternatively, you can select a specific ambassador using the "Select Staff" option.

Schedule a meeting

anya altangerel portrait

Anya Altangerel

Major: Clinical-Community Psychology

Risk assessments, suicide prevention, complex etiology for psychopathology, EEG

Advice: I had a rocky start in getting involved in research as an undeclared freshman. Reflecting on my own experience, I am very eager to help other undergrads with navigating through their research journeys and finding many amazing opportunities on and off-campus.

curtis althaus portrait

Curtis Althaus

Majors: Chemistry and Astrophysics

Experimental Battery Research through Electroanalytical Chemistry

Advice: Open your field of vision when it comes to looking for opportunities! I didn’t start out my search knowing I wanted to do work with batteries and I had no idea what electrochemistry was when I joined my lab. Embrace the unexpected, be open to new ideas, and go with the flow!

adrian asensio-arkin portrait

Adrian Asensio-Arkin

Major: Geography and Geographic Information Science

Geography, spatial analysis/GIScience, urban planning, environmental science and policy

Advice: I enjoy working alongside OUR in assisting fellow undergraduate researchers finding and understanding their ideal projects and solidifying their research goals. As a transfer student, my research journey has not been traditional, and I am excited to help students of all backgrounds achieve the most in their research experiences.

saiesha bollapragada portrait

Saiesha Bollapragada

Major: Interdisciplinary Health Sciences

Biochemistry and Public Health Preparedness in Extreme Heat

Advice: Research helped me figure out where my passions are outside of the traditional classroom! It may seem overwhelming to get involved in research on-campus, but it is definitely a rewarding and valuable experience for you to explore your interests.

charlie cervenka portrait

Charlie Cervenka 

Major: Organization Psychology  / Minor: Statistics

Body Size and Organizational Outcomes/Attitudes 

Advice: Never be afraid to ask for things – the worst they can say is no. Opportunities come to those who seek them out, so don’t wait for one to come to you. If you’d like to talk research or psychology, feel free to reach out!

emily crosswell portrait

Emily Crosswell

Major: Elementary Education with an English as a Second Language Endorsement

Online Education Strategies, how access to technology impacts education

Advice: Research gives you the opportunity to learn more about your field and issues that are important to you. Research gives you a great opportunity to work with peers and faculty. Learn from your peers and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

rhea dcosta portrait

Rhea Dcosta

Major: Finance + Data Science

Variations in democracy conceptions among the American public

Advice: To me, research means thinking deeply about simple things. Research is interesting, exciting, and meaningful! Research doesn’t always have to be something you do to supplement your coursework, but it could just simply be something you do because you are passionately curious!

smriti gogineni portrait

Sai Smriti Gogineni

Major: Molecular & Cellular Biology / Minor: Statistics

Auditory neuroscience, complex sound processing

Advice: Research has helped me grow and learn about myself in ways that I never thought possible! I encourage you to be open and reach out, ask questions, and don't be afraid to try new experiences because you may find your passion.

chloe guo portrait

Chloe Guo

Major: Psychology / Minor: Statistics

Parent-child interactions, Clinical Psychology, ECG-IBI

Advice: Research has been an amazing part of my life, I hope more undergraduate students can experience it too! My advice: stay curious, take the first step, and enjoy the process. Research  is an exciting (and sometimes challenging) journey, but you are never alone in it!

alisha kulkarni portrait

Alisha Kulkarni

Majors: History & Information Science

Integrations of Ancient Egyptian deities relating to fertility and childbirth in daily life

Advice: I love working with OUR because it means I get a chance to reach out to students who wouldn’t have thought about doing research as undergraduates. The best way to find out if research is right for you is to find something you’re genuinely passionate about and delve into it. Don’t be intimidated; we are here to help!

aryaman murdeshwar portrait

Aryaman Murdeshwar

Major: Biochemistry / Minor: Chemistry

Biochemical research into the structure and function of proteins

Advice: Getting involved in research is not as difficult as it may seem. All you need to do is take the first step. Go to an OUR session, email a professor, or reach out to one of the IURA members. Anyone can do research as long as you are willing to give it a shot!

Sam Naatz portrait

Sam Naatz

Majors: Psychology & Statistics

Effects of Social Context on Alcohol Addiction

Advice: Research is a fulfilling experience that expands your knowledge and helps you build meaningful connections. Stay curious, and don’t hesitate to ask questions because it’s the best way to learn and grow.

meesha patel portrait

Meesha Patel

Major: Integrative Biology / Minor: Child Health and Well-being

Variations in democracy conceptions among the American public

Advice: Don't be afraid of research; there are plenty of opportunities and we are here to help you get those opportunities. Research can be fun also, letting you explore and learn things you may have never gotten to before.

Arshiya Shah portrait

Arshiya Shah

Major: Political Science / Minor: Business & Public Relations

International Organizations, International Order and Political Science

Advice: Research can seem daunting at first, but it has truly shaped my mindset about learning and opened doors to opportunities I never imagined. Don't hesitate to reach out to me or my fellow ambassadors if you have any questions—OUR is here to guide and support you every step!

cliff sun portrait

Cliff Sun

Majors: Physics & Mathematics / Minor: Computer Science

Superconducting semi-classical/quantum behavior

Advice: Research has helped shape my mindset about learning and unlocked opportunities that I otherwise would never have come across! Please don't hesitate to contact either me or my colleagues if you have any questions about research. OUR is here to help you!

Ashley Tran portrait

Ashley Tran

Major: Bioengineering

Designing analytical models to assess student performance in STEM curricula

Advice: Undergraduate research can seem scary at first, but it is a great opportunity to gain new and valuable knowledge. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and keep an open mind!

Will Wang portrait

Will Wang

Major: Physics / Minor: Computer Science

Fluid Mechanics in Solid-Liquid Coupling Systems

Advice: I faced challenges when starting my research journey and I am here to help you overcome yours. I encourage you to meet with me to explore your interests and build confidence in your journey. Remember, research is for everyone—embrace curiosity and think beyond your discipline!